Monday, June 8, 2009

Pak Vs Eng : Next stop of Pak Cricket Team “IDP camps in Swat”

Let me start this particular view point with the statement of our dear Captain after losing the T20 match against England yesterday :

"It won't be a disaster even if we exit before the Super Eights," said Younis. "It would be sad if we don't make it, but I have never attached too much importance to Twenty20 cricket, as it is fun cricket. I mean it is more for entertainment, even if it is international cricket. It is all for the crowd. Twenty20 is all about fun. Everybody expects players to come out and entertain."

Trust me , I am controlling my emotions when I write the next few lines . This is our Captain speaking . The nation of Pakistan must have spent quiet a good load of money on this excursion trip of our team so that they could go and have fun .

Would someone please remind them that we have not sent them to participate in a Circus where they could have fun.

My dear Captain . Especially now-a-days even a small achievement would make a big difference for our country struggling in our War against Terrorism . Cricket is maybe the only forte left for us to prove and achieve in sports . I am not an expert at cricket but one thing really bewildered me was that whilst even minnows of cricket like Netherland and even Bangladesh could hit a few sixes . Our team tried their best not to hit one . The boundaries were just too far away for them .
Did we have a strategy when we went out to play ? Initially I thought we were just incompetent because there was no planning visible . But during the match I could have a feeling that our dear captain was enjoying the defeat . When at the end of each over they used to touch gloves as if they are well on target . But after reading this statement from our captain it seems that we are not only incompetent but fools as well.

Is there any one out there who could talk sense into these people to take each opportunity seriously as they should not forget that in other forms of cricket ; they are no champions as well.
I would conclude maybe this guy is not a smart talker or has an attitude . Both the ways if the people at PCB high command ; if bother should look into it as maybe they do not have any other choice by either training him in public speaking ( by remembering that he is in a responsible position representing a nation of 160 million fans) or sending him to attitude management classes .

The problem is simple in our cricket . If we all today keep this in our mind that as in our regular lives “No one is above the law” ; I would recommend that we should put forth in this case “No one is above the game” . Discipline is a major issue with our team and we bite the dust again and again because of which . I wish some one would step up and take some bold decisions backed by positive actions as suspending players is giving them an easy way out . One suggestion is have a strong back-up pool so that no one should have a feeling that they are not expandable.

I wish Pak Team luck for their future matches and believe me unless they would not target they would not achieve . But if next time , any time soon our dear captain or any one in the team have a feeling of fun at the cost of our nation. Like so many of my friends mentioned in their view points at different forums . Send these fun lovers on volunteer service for 30 days at least to the camps of our beloved IDP’s so that they realize why it is so important for them to win for our nation and understand the difference when to have fun and when to go for it.

Pak Zindabad!.